An association of Aerographers & Mates,
Meteorologists & Oceanographers

NWSA Pensacola Chapter


President:                   Ed Straten

Secretary/Treasurer:  Pat O'Brien


Chapter News

Source: Aerograph May 2022

The Pensacola Chapter met on Friday, 11 March at the Fin & Fork Restaurant in Pensacola.  The luncheon and meeting were well attended.  It was good to see everyone getting together again after so long!  See picture of the group below.  Those in attendance included Ed and Patti Straten, Pat & Libby O'Brien, Ken & Barbara Overholt, Dave and Jerrie Dunlap, Marion Hawks, Gerrie Marsch, and Dale Grages and his nurse Rosalina Stanislawski.

Click Image to Enlarge
We welcomed Dale Grages and his nurse Rosa to our chapter.  This was their first meeting, and it was a delight listening to Dale relate stories of old shipmates. Larry and Nancy Warrenfeltz were not in attendance as they were on a road trip to Pennsylvania to visit family.  This was done at the absolute height of the gas prices. They noticed the traffic on the interstate was noticeably lighter than normal, and people were NOT traveling long distances unless they had to.  With that being said, they related, "When your granddaughters are on stage in The Little Mermaid Jr., you’ve got to be there!"  With tickets in hand for the Saturday matinee, a look at the weather forecast caused them to trade for the Friday night show. It was a good call, because the snow began Saturday morning and dumped a good six inches on Zionsville, PA by sunset.  Larry says, " Florida tires are good for getting heavy rain out from under them, but they aren’t good in snow and ice. With the snow falling on Saturday, it was a great day for movies, popcorn, and hot chocolate with the grandkids.  The two photos show the aftermath of the snowstorm and Larry and Nancy with Madeline (King Triton) and Chloe (the Seahorse).
Paul Belt was also absent from our meeting as he and Cheryl were also traveling.  The highlight of the meeting was Patti Stratens's briefing on the 2023 NWSA Cruise/Reunion.  She reported that on 3 Feb. the 2023 reunion cruise committee (Ed and Patti Straten, Larry and Nancy Warrenfeltz, Paul Belt, and Pat and Libby O'Brien) met at Lost Key Golf and Beach Club for lunch and to discuss cruise options and pricing.  Following lunch, the committee moved over to Ed and Patti's condo, and a phone call was placed to Celebrity Cruise Group Reservations.  As you know by now, we were given an incredible deal, and we booked it.  Patti was extremely excited to report how everything was going.  She told us she had initially asked for 8 staterooms, and they were quickly gobbled up.  She then asked for 15 more, and the same thing happened.  She reported 62 people have signed up for the cruise, and the room rate is good until the end of March.  Ed and Patti Straten are seasoned cruisers, and they have been instrumental in arranging the 2023 reunion cruise. Thank you, Ed and Patti. Prior to our March meeting, Ed and Patti were off on another cruise.  This one aboard the Celebrity Summit.  They used their time exploring onboard bars, restaurants, and entertainment as this will be the same ship we cruise on in 2023.  They report it's a beautiful ship with fantastic food, drinks, and crew.  They experienced gorgeous weather and scenery, and they can hardly wait till March 2023 and our reunion cruise Pictures of Ed and Patti appear below.  At last report, our WX Reunion now has 64 reservations! 
The O'Briens have opted not to have the COVID-19 vaccine, and they thank God they live in Florida. They are hoping travel restrictions will be lifted so that they will be able to attend Reunion #47.  They were supposed to go on a cruise this coming October with the USS Nimitz Association but were told by Royal Caribbean the unvaccinated may not board.  Bummer.  Pat had the coronavirus back in 2021 and lost his taste and smell for a month or so. He quarantined with Libby, and she never got the virus.  Go figure.  Pat and his oldest son, Patrick, have taken one day a week to go fishing.  They used to rent two Old Town Kayaks from N.A.S. Pensacola, but Pat went and bought one along with a kayak trailer.  Pat must think he's pushing 40 instead of 80.  He had two successful operations to correct trigger fingers on the ring fingers of both hands.  He is now awaiting two more surgeries to correct carpal tunnel problems in both wrists.  He says, "I love being OLD."  In March, he and Libby took a trip to Savannah, Georgia to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.  Pat bought a shirt that says, "I got Riverfaced on Shit Street." Sorry to say that didn't happen, Libby beat him to it.  He said it was fun getting her from River Street back to the Army-Air Base where they were staying (Now that’s Pat’s story not mine) lol! They did the Savannah Queen luncheon-cruise the next day.  That was a nice relaxing trip. The O’Brien’s continue to golf, attend Pensacola Ice Flyers hockey games, and Blue Wahoo baseball games.  Bernie Bauer attends these games also. He is doing fine. Paul Belt plays in the same golf association as Pat and Pat says Paul is playing extremely well. 

Source: Aerograph February 2022

The Pensacola Chapter met on 2 December at the home of Larry & Nancy Warrenfeltz.  Others in attendance included, Ed & Patti StratenKen and Barbara Overholt, Pat & Libby O'BrienGerrie Marsh and her daughter Melissa, Paul Belt and Cheryl Alter.   

As usual, the Warrenfeltz home was beautifully decorated, and  great time was had by all.  Before we shared a wonderful meal, we found time for a very short business meeting.  We were informed that Denny and Helen Maljevac weren't able to join us as they were visiting family in Jacksonville.  Pat and Libby O'Brien reported they ran into Dave and Jerrie Dunlap at Founaris Bros. Italian Restaurant. Dave and Jerrie's granddaughter and family were with them, and Dave said all was going well.  Pat reported that Bernie Bauer has to have surgery to remove kidney stones.  Following our meeting and meal, we entertained ourselves with a white elephant gift exchange.  

Al and Helen Atwell have continued to hunker down to avoid Covid-19.. However, with considerable concern, they did enjoy a brief visit over Christmas by daughter/granddaughter from North  Carolina.  In spite of numerous airline cancellations, they made it to Pensacola and back home without incident. Ironically, about two weeks after returning home, they both came down with Omicron (mild symptoms), which they believe their daughter picked-up in school although fully vaccinated and wearing two masks all day.  Helen is dealing with short-term memory loss and this has left Al to cook/clean,etc and worry about all the current daily issues and problems.  But she still fondly remembers all the good times she and Al enjoyed in the past when Al was deployed to WestPac for over 20 years flying in Fleet Air Wings and Squadrons out of various bases in Hawaii, Thailand, Guam, Okinawa, Japan, Vietnam, and the Philippines.  Although Helen has given-up cooking/cleaning, etc. She does enjoy working outside in the yard trimming bushes/raking leaves, etc. They both look forward to when the Covid-19 issue is better resolved and they can again get together with shipmates at various meetings and reunions.

Unlike Al and Helen, Pat and Libby O'Brien have not hunkered down.  They continue to play golf, attend the Pensacola Ice Flyers hockey games, and travel.   In Nov., Pat's youngest son, Sean, came down from Virginia Beach to spend a few days with dad.  The O'Brien's rented a house on Pensacola Beach to be there for the Blue Angel Airshow and to be with Libby's grandson, Cole, who was on leave from the Navy.  The O'Briens celebrated their 27th wedding anniversary on Christmas Day.  That evening they went to the Hilton Hotel on Pensacola Beach for dinner and to spend the night.  The dinner was a memory they'd just as soon forget.  It took almost three for their dinners to arrive after ordering.  I doubt the O'Briens will do that again.  After Christmas, they went down to Tampa, Fl, with two friends to watch the Tampa Bay Lightning play the Montreal Canadians in a National Hockey League game.  They stayed at MacDill AFB quarters. The accommodations were very nice, and you may want to take advantage of them if traveling in that area.  Pat and his oldest son, Patrick, rent pedal kayaks every Tuesday, weather permitting, and fish the intercoastal waterway or Bayou Grande.  Patrick is always looking for the BIG one, while dad is satisfied catching most anything other than a catfish or ray.

Bernie Bauer is doing much better following a successful kidney stone operation. 

Ed and Patti Straten continue to enjoy life and travel the world.  The holiday months were filled with turkey and wonderful family memories.  Their November cruise on the Celebrity Reflection was exciting and relaxin They were joined by their daughter, Kim, her husband John and friends.  They also cruised on the Celebrity Equinox in January with friends.  Beautiful sunny days and fabulous food.  

Nancy and Larry Warrenfeltz enjoyed hosting the Pensacola Chapter Christmas party in early December. They spent the Christmas New Years holidays in Florida for the first time since retiring to the Pensacola area in 2002. After twenty-plus annual road trips to Maryland and Pennsylvania from the Gulf Coast, they enjoy having one family of their grandchildren living in their neighborhood. Having Christmas dinner at your daughter’s house is fun. What a great reason to avoid the craziness of the holiday travel season!

Submitted by Pat O'Brien, P'Cola Sec./Treas..

Source: Aerograph November 2021

Pat and Libby O'Brien have been busy traveling.  They drove east to Pooler, GA, to attend the 46th Reunion of the NWSA.  Pat says, "It was one great reunion, and to those who missed it, you missed a great one."  Our hats are off to Jim and Rosalie Romano for arranging this venue and all the work that was necessary to make it happen.  As is the case with most NWSA Reunions, the weather did not want to cooperate. Our trip into Savannah in open-air buses could have been a wet one, but for some unbeknownst reason, the rain stopped as we left the motel.  Could have been great timing or great planning; not sure which, but we accepted it gratefully. The rainy weather did cause the golf tournament to be cancelled, and it did rain on the day we visited the 8th Air Force Museum, but we were inside.  If you are ever in Pooler, Ga, Pat highly recommends visiting this museum, a great deal of history there worth discovering.  Following the reunion, the O'Briens headed back to Pensacola in the rain.  Some extremely heavy rain had Pat wishing he had chosen another route.  On arriving in Pensacola, Pat began getting ready for another trip.  He and eleven other guys went over to Gulf Shores, AL, for a three-day golf outing.  Libby and her daughter, Teresa, worked in Libby's front flower bed while Pat played golf.  Nice planning Pat.  He says he was really impressed with all they accomplished.  The very next week the O'Briens left for San Antonio, TX, to attend the 24th USS Nimitz Association Reunion.  They spent a week on the Riverwalk.

Jim Futtner was there, and he and Pat walked a couple of miles along the river, in the dark, each morning.  Jim's an early riser and a dedicated walker.  He's walked every day for 560 consecutive days.  Pat welcomes all the AGs who served aboard Nimitz to join him and Jim at future reunions.  The next scheduled Nimitz Association Reunion is a cruise out of Fort Lauderdale or Miami in the fall of 2022.


Ed and Patti Straten had the most wonderful reunion in Savannah and would like to thank everyone involved and everyone who attended. BZ to Joe Romano and his lovely wife Rosalie for hosting such an excellent event!


Their 40th Anniversary cruise on the Celebrity Edge was a wonderful experience. First time back on a ship since the Covid closed them down. Their next cruise will be a back to back Caribbean in November, and they will be joined by their daughter, Kim, and her husband John.


Looking forward to the Christmas holidays, including our annual Christmas party hosted this year by Larry and Nancy Warrenfeltz!

Pictures below include 40th anniversary on the Celebrity Edge and at National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force. Our hopes and wishes to all for a safe, healthy and wonderful 2022!

Click Images to Enlarge

Source: Aerograph August 2021

The Pensacola Chapter held its June meeting at Vallartas Mexican Restaurant. Those in attendance included: Ed & Patti Straten, Larry & Nancy Warrenfeltz, Pat & Libby O'Brien, Paul Belt and  Gerrie Marsh.

The meeting was called to order at 1310.  The minutes from the 19 March meeting were read and approved.
The treasurer reported no change to the treasury since March; no expenditures and no deposits.

Pat O'Brien reported he heard from Rose Frasier.  Rose says, "Hi" and says she and Arthur are really enjoying their new residence in Ocala, Florida.  Pat also reported that Elspeth Lloyd would not be attending today because something she ate yesterday had disagreed with her.  Know that feeling.  Damn.  Pat also heard from Gene Witsman.  Gene says to say, "Hi", and he has a request.  He wants to know if we can have a meeting on a Tuesday or Thursday instead of Friday.  Gene lives in Fort Walton Beach and has doctors' appointments on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  All present agreed to having our next meeting on Thursday, 9 September.  Pat also reported he received a message from our national President, Jim Romano, about hotel registration problems at
the Best Western in Savannah.  If problems are incurred, he says to ask for Eddie.

Our last bit of business was to select a place for our next meeting.  After a lengthy discussion, we decided to go
with The Grand Marlin at Pensacola Beach.

Meeting adjourned at 1340.

Pat and Libby O'Brien have had restricted travel due to COVID, but did manage an early summer trip to Virginia Beach, Niantic, CT, and Hartford, CT, to visit with family and friends.  Pat drove and Libby navigated.  The trip totaled 3,302 miles.  Pat says he doesn't know whether he has any more trips like this one in him.  He says he isn't getting any younger.  Pat and Libby got to see their youngest grandson, Logan, graduate from Ocean Lakes High School in Virginia Beach.  He graduated on a Friday and joined the labor force on Monday.  While in Virginia Beach we met up with CDR Chuck Streinbruck and his lovely bride Louise for lunch at a wonderful Italian Restaurant. It was so good to see them and reminisce about old times and reunions.  They are hoping to make the Savannah Reunion. After a few more days in Virginia Beach, Pat and Libby headed up to Niantic, Ct, to visit with Pat's daughter, Kelly, and her family.  Four members of the O'Brien clan followed them up.  It made for a great vacation for everyone, He and Libby got to spend a couple of days with Jim Futtner in Hartford.  Pat reports Jim is doing well, and saysJim will be attending the reunion in Savannah.  Pat hasn't been able to play golf in the last two months due to trigger fingers on both hands.  Both ring fingers required out-patiensurgery.  Libby has had to deal with a knee problem.  She's taking meds and is scheduled for an MRI at some point this month.  While in Connecticut, she
and Pat attended the PGA event in Hartford.  Pat doesn't think all the walking there helped her knee.  Pat had hoped to see Bryson DeChambeau at the tournament, but that didn't happen.  Their route around the course didn't intersect with his.  Damn the bad luck.  Bernie Bauer, Libby, and Pat continue their support of the Pensacola Ice Flyers (ice hockey) and Pensacola Blue Wahoos (baseball) teams.  Pat reports Bernie is doing well.  Bernie told Pat he was prescribed a medication for a thyroid issue, and this is the first prescription drug he's ever had to take.

Nancy and Larry Warrenfeltz took advantage of their vaccinated freedom with a 17-day East Coast circumnavigation in June. From Pensacola to Kill Devil Hills NC to Pennsylvania to Wildwood Crest, NJ — then back home to Florida. They enjoyed a beach reunion with some of Nancy’s family in NC, then headed north to see two granddaughters perform in Seussical the Musical Jr.. From there it was “down to the shore” for a weekend in their son’s new beach condo before heading back south.  See photos below: 

L: With grandsons on the Outer Banks   R: At “Seussical the Musical” (maybe the last of the mandatory mask events?)

Pat got word from Gerrie Marsh that Elspeth Lloyd had fallen and broken her pelvis.  Pat also  heard through the grapevine Bruce Glaes has moved in with his son.  Bruce continues his battle with the effects of the stroke he suffered months ago.  Please keep Bruce and Elspeth in your prayers.  

Rose and Arthur Frazier have been busy as usual with doctor appointments and metal detecting. Arthur had back surgery to clean out an area in his lower back to relieve some pressure on his nerves. They have also been out metal detecting and learning their new detectors. 
Rose won both of hers and Arthur got a new one. They also made a trip to Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas to visit grandkids and other members of the family in June. In August, they will celebrate their 25th anniversary aboard the Carnival Mardi Gras with some good friends. Life in their community is picking up rapidly and they are enjoying it and making lots of new friends.

Ed and Patti Straten have been busy!  Patti traveled to New Hampshire to attend a mini-class reunion.  Mini because many of those from out of state were reluctant to travel due to the virus.  But Patti had fun seeing all the old classmates again.  While in New Hampshire,  Patti visited her son Craig and his wife, Melissa. She was also lucky enough to catch grandson Ryan's football playoff game as well as granddaughter Jordan's dance recital.  She also attended several cookouts and parties.  Due to the no travel restrictions, it had been many years since she saw many of her friends and family.  Pattie then flew to Ohio where Ed was involved with his family reunion.  This group included about 50 family members from several states.  Hugs, love, and laughter made it wonderful to be together  again.  Life is good.  The Stratens' 40th wedding anniversary is in August and will be celebrated aboard the Celebrity Edge.  They can hardly wait to start cruising again.  They wish everyone a happy and joy filled summer and hope to see many of you come October in Savannah!

Submitted by Pat O'Brien, Sec/Treas.