Naval Weather Service Association (NWSA)



An association of Aerographers & Mates,
Meteorologists & Oceanographers

LCDR John Dungan Jr., USN (Ret)

U.S. Navy’s First Chief Aerographer

Submitted by AWCM John David Dungan, Jr.,

USN (Ret), Grandson

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AGC John Dungan, Jr.
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AG School Class 2204, Pensacola
Photo by John Dungan, Jr.

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 Picture Pops Up at Top of Album
Birthdate on Honorable Discharge above and transfer to Fleet Naval Reserve below in error; correct birthdate is 23 Sept. 1895

Photos in Album above submitted by AWCM John David Dungan, Jr., USN (Ret)
Grandson of AGC John Dungan, Jr.

John Dungan, Jr. Award and History

By AGCS Enrique Acosta Gonzalez, USN RET

After two years of research, I finally have the proof we need to make the necessary corrections to both our AG History and the Annual Oceanographer of the Navy Award. Attached are documents that validate what I had believed, That John R. Dungan was the wrong name and that he was not a Chief Quartermaster when he became our first Chief Aerographer.

The mistake in the name is understandable. He went by JR and so our historian had believed it was his first and middle initial and not literally Junior. The Quartermaster rating had gone through considerable changes between 1920-1924 and being that they were an umbrella to many ratings (Pigeons mate, Aerographers, Signalman) it also is understandable that QM would have been accepted as Dungan's source rating. 

In June 1921, Signalman became their own rating out of the QM umbrella.

Long story short, His name is John Dungan Jr. and he was a Chief Signalman when he became our first Chief. He was also an enlisted pilot and the first CWO selected in September 1942. The brother was a superstar. He served 40 years from Seaman to Lieutenant Commander.  

Award and History Article


Dungan retired in 1934 and transferred to the Fleet Reserve. He then became a Meteorologist for Trans World Airlines
Photos in Album above submitted by AWCM John David Dungan, Jr., USN (Ret)
Grandson of AGC John Dungan, Jr.
Four Generations of U.S. Navy Dungans