Naval Weather Service Association (NWSA)



An association of Aerographers & Mates,
Meteorologists & Oceanographers


Named in honor of AGC Lloyd Bellinger USN(Ret), originating author.



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This photograph was taken at the NWSA Reunion #20, 1994, hosted by the Airship Chapter at the Holiday Inn in Toms River, NJ. On the left is AGC Lloyd Bellinger, USN RET (decreased), holding a plaque that honors his significant service to the NWSA by originating what has become the "Bellinger List", presented by LCDR Frank McGayhey, USN RET (decreased), President of  NWSA. On the right is AGCM Norman Macomber, USN RET Co-chairman of the reunion.
Reunion #20 had 256 members register and 246 actually attended.

Submitted by AGCM Norman Macomber, USN RET

In March 1967 AGC Lloyd Bellinger USN(Ret) disseminated a roster of "Navy Weather Guessers." That initial roster contained seventy-two names. The primary source was Lloyd's personal address book but some also resulted from advertising he had placed in NAVAL AFFAIRS and NAVY TIMES. Once the grapevine was activated and the word was passed, his roster increased to 125 names and addresses the following year.


Each year Lloyd distributed updated rosters, until it finally became necessary to have them printed commercially. Of course, the annual costs for postage likewise increased. When the staff at NATTU Lakehurst prepared for a reunion of Aerographer's Mates, the 15-16 August, 1975 event was made possible through the use of Lloyd's roster. It was a successful reunion during which there was a decision to convene a follow-on event at Pensacola in 1976.


Attendees at the 5, 6, and 7 August Pensacola reunion dubbed that event a "Bicentennial Reunion" and they voted to establish the Naval Weather Service Association with annual reunions. Lloyd Bellinger suggested his roster be adopted by the new association. Reproduction and distribution costs had become prohibitive for him since his roster had increased to hundreds of names and addresses.   His suggestion was adopted. The "Bellinger List" was named.


The "Bellinger List" has demonstrated its importance to our association, progressing from a typewritten roster to various computerized formats maintained by a succession of association Secretaries. The list underpins our association. Each November an updated version is mailed or emailed to NWSA members, along with the quarterly newsletter, "The Aerograph."

The History of the Bellinger List was compiled

by CDR Don Cruse USN RET


Date: Wed 11/3/2010

From: CWO4 Bill Bowers, USN RET, NWSA President  2010-2011


I received the following from Naomi Bellinger, and it was printed in the May 2009 Aerograph.
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Dear Bill Bowers, Thank NWSA and contributing members. LLoyd joined the navy in April 1938. His shipmates became friends. He would be very pleased it is having its 35th reunion. Sincerely, Naomi Bellinger
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 Naomi will be very proud to see this addition - the 2011 Bellinger List.